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I started work on Mantra in an effort to learn rust and explore the development process of a distributed, high-frequency/low-latency trading system in the language. It targets internal tick-to-trade latencies in the low microsecond range, depending on algo complexity. To help me keep this target, each part of the system is automatically timed, and the flow of data is fully tracked.

Mantra itself will remain closed source, for obvious reasons, but I feel that some of the solutions and designs supporting it are worth sharing, hence this blog.

Naturally, many of the code snippets will be written in rust. The un-enlightened should not fret, however, as the concepts that I will discuss should be quite straight-forwardly translatable into any other capable programming language.

This initial post is intended to give an overview of the features and general design of Mantra. It will hopefully give enough context as to set the stage for the future more technical posts.

General intro done, let's look at the current state of affairs.

Features and Capabilities

Mantra ui during a backtest

  • Multicore
  • Low latency inter core communication using hand crafted message queues, seqlocks, and shared memory
  • Full internal observability (message tracking) and in-situ telemetry of latency and business logic
  • Full persistence of messages for post execution analysis and replay
  • L2 based orderbooks
  • Concurrent handling of multiple trading algorithms
  • Balance and order tracking accross multiple Exchanges
  • Continuous ingestion and storage of market data streams
  • WebSocket based connections to 5 crypto Exchanges (Binance, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Coinbase and Kraken)
  • "In production" backtesting by replaying historical market data streams while mimicking order execution with a mock exchange
  • Real-time UI for observation of the system, market data and backtesting
  • ~500k msgs/s throughput @ 0.5 - 10 microseconds internal latency
  • A focus on code simplicity and locality of behavior (< 15K LOC for now)

System Design Overview

The core design has changed very little since Mantra's inception. Pragmatism has always been one of the guiding principles given the scope of creating a low-latency trading engine... while learning a new programming language.

This has made me choose a very modular and disconnected design, conceptually very similar to microservices. Such a design makes adding new features and refactoring existing code relatively frictionless due to the resulting locality of behavior. The fact that I was initially still learning rust made the latter all the more important.

A different popular approach in low latency trading applications is the single-function-hot-path using callbacks. This approach, however, inevitably leads to more intertwined and thus harder to maintain code. Such systems still need to have some kind of distributed supporting framework, anyway, to offload some of the ancillary non-latency-critical work.

One final consideration against using a single-function-hot-path approach is that Mantra currently targets crypto markets. While there is nothing in the implementation that is particularly specific to crypto, it does mean that the vast majority of latency (>10s of milliseconds) actually originates from the connection between my pc and the exchanges. However, if Mantra can be co-located right next to some of the exchanges in the future, it could be beneficial to further optimize internal latencies and potentially implement the single-function-hot-path stuff.

Bearing all of this in mind, let's have a look at a high-level overview of the current architecture in the diagram below.


system design schematic Fig 1. High level structure of Mantra

As shown, Mantra is composed of a set of Actors (rounded rectangles) communicating with each other through lock-free Queues (red) and SeqlockVectors (blue).

The main execution logic and data flow is quite straight-forward:

  1. incoming L2Update and TradeUpdate market data messages (green, top-left) get consumed by the TradeModels (in grey)
  2. each TradeModel fills out a pre-defined set of ideal order positions
  3. the Overseer continuously loops through these, and compares them to previously sent OrderRequests and live Orders
  4. if they don't match up and the necessary balance is available new OrderRequests are made
  5. the AccountHandler connecting with the target Exchange then sends these requests
  6. Order, Balance and OrderExecution updates are fed back Overseer

Centering the system around multi-consumer message Queues immediately fullfils the code maintainability requirement: functionality is by nature localized in the different Actors and adding more of them does not impact the rest.

Since it's clear that Mantra rides or dies depending on how well the inter-core communication layer is implemented, we continue with a closer look on this part.

Inter Core Communication (ICC)

Fig 2. Seqlocked Buffer


As mentioned before, Queues are denoted by the red arrows in the design schematic. The ovals specify the message type of each Queue. They are essentially Seqlocked ringbuffers that can be used both in single-producer-multi-consumer (SPMC) and multi-producer-multi-consumer (MPMC) modes.

The main requirements for the Queues are:

  • Achieve a core-to-core latency close to the ideal ~30ns (see e.g. anandtech 13900k and 13600k review and the fantastic core-to-core-latency tool)
  • Every attached Consumer gets every message, also known as broadcast mode
  • Producers are not impacted by number of attached Consumers and do not care if Consumers can keep up
  • Consumers should not impact each other, and should know when they got sped past by Producers

As a result of the latter two points, Producers and Consumers do not share any state other than the ringbuffer itself. The resulting layout is shown in Fig. 2.

A Producer goes through the Queuesequentially, first incrementing the version of the current Seqlock once, writing the data, and finally incrementing the version again. Each Consumer keeps track of the Seqlock version they expect.

The reading process of a Consumer is as follows:

  • Read the version
  • if odd -> writer is currently writing
  • if lower than expected version -> no message to be read yet
  • if expected version -> read data
  • read version again
  • if same as before -> data read succesfully
  • if changed -> data possibly corrupted so reread
  • if version higher than expected version -> Consumer has been sped past because a Producer has written to the slot twice

Another, maybe obvious, benefit of this design is that Actors can be turned off and on at will, depending on the desired functionality. They can even be running in different processes since the Queues use shared memory behind the scenes. This is how the UI and telemetry of Mantra work, for example.

Finally, to allow for post-mortem analysis and replay, each Queue has a dedicated Consumer that persists each message to long term storage.


The second part of the ICC layer are the SeqlockVectors denoted by the blue rectangles in Fig 1.

They are used between the TradeModels and the Overseer to communicate "ideal" Order positions based on the latest market data information. The reason I've chosen to use these rather than another Queue is because TradeModels generally recalculate the ideal positions very frequently (i.e. on each incoming marketdata message), The Overseer, instead, really only cares about the latest ones to potentially send commands to the exchange.

Structure-wise they are identical to the buffer in Fig. 2. The difference is that Producers and Consumers write and read any of the Seqlocked slots rather than sequentially. They should really be called Writers and Readers in this case, but whatever.

Telemetry and Observability

Another fundamental part of Mantra is the in-situ telemetry and message tracking. Having this immediate feedback has always helped me have peace of mind that new features I implement do not deteriorate the overall performance of Mantra.

Given the low-latency requirements, I decided:

  • to use the hardware timer rdtscp for timestamping: more accurate and less costly than OS timestamps
  • that each message entering the system gets an origin timestamp which is then propagated to all resulting downstream messages
  • that when a message gets published to a Queue its time delta w.r.t. the origin timestamp is stored together with the publisher's id
  • to offload these timestamps to specific timing Queues in shared memory so external tools can do the actual timing analysis

This scheme makes sure that all parts of Mantra are automatically timed. It also helps the debugging process since the origin and evolution of each message is tracked and stored. An example of the internal latencies of messages at different stages in the system is shown in the image below.

Fig 3. timekeeper tui (top) and per OrderRequest message internal latency (bottom)

The reason why sell requests are in general slower in this particular example is that this TradeModel produces 4 order position updates for each market data update. Two buys followed by two sells. Seeing this plot highlights that this is a point of potential improvement.

Market Data

The final and arguably most important piece of the puzzle is market data. Currently, Mantra uses L2 orderbook data and trade execution data. This is mainly because most exchanges readily provide these in the public domain, whereas not all have public L3 data streams.

L2 means many price levels, each with the total volume of open orders for that price.
L3 provides single order granularity.

Messages are currently streamed through WebSockets, but I plan to implement FIX connections to exchanges that support it.

L2 Orderbooks

There is one L2OrderBook per Instrument and per Exchange. Each of these is updated based on streamed L2Update messages coming from the exchanges.

An L2Update contains a `price` and current `volume` on that pricelevel.
If a `volume == 0.0` the pricelevel can be removed from the order book.

This makes Binary Search Trees a natural choice to implement the bid and ask sides of the order book. They have O(log(n)) time complexity for inserting, deleting and updating price levels. In-order scanning is also fast since they are ordered. I have chosen to use a BTree in Mantra instead of the standard binary tree because it is balanced and more cache friendly making it overall much faster. It also doesn't hurt that the rust standard library comes with an excellent out-of-the-box implementation: the BTreeMap.

Another interesting tree for this application is the Van Emde Boas tree (vEB). It is theoretically faster than a BTree, but the incredible sparsity of price levels in crypto makes it unusable. A vEB tree requires a predefined universe of keys (prices in our case), and uses O(2^M) memory where M is the number of different price levels to potentially store. While there are ways to reduce this, it remains in general prohibitive when handling many crypto instruments on different exchanges. BTreeMaps, instead, use O(n) amount of memory where n is the number of price levels with nonzero volume.

Continuous Data Capture

Mantra continuously captures and archives all incoming L2Update and TradeUpdate messages for the 5 Exchanges I am currently connecting to: Binance, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Coinbase and Kraken. With "all" I mean literally all, i.e. the data for every single spot Instrument that is tradable on these exchanges. This leads to quite a lot of data, so I use bitcode together with zstd to achieve quite impressive data compression ratios of ~20x.

Some quick numbers are:

  • 169 simultaneous websocket connections
  • 5764 Instruments accross 5 exchanges
  • up to 200k msgs/s handled
  • up to 47 Gb / day
  • 2.9 Tb worth of data so far
  • ~40% of 1 core used for processing at rates of 35k msgs/s

"But why gobble up all that data", you may wonder. Glad you asked.

I am of the opinion that representative backtests should be performed as much as possible on the "in-production" system rather than through some idealized transformations of DataFrames (although that is perfect for initial strategy exploration). This is especially true for low-latency systems, given how tightly coupled the performance and implementation of the system are with the TradeModels and their parameters. A faster system requires the TradeModel to predict less far into the future.

Having access to the full historical L2Update data stream has allowed me to implemented a MockExchange for this purpose. It feeds the messages back into the system while simultaneously using them to mimic the behavior of a real Exchange. This allows it to execute our orders as if they were part of the historical market. While it makes the backtests not fully deterministic, this method is quite successful to backtest the system as if it were live.

We will continue exploring this rather deep topic in a future series of posts.

Planned Blog Posts

This brings us to the end of this first post, glad you made it! I hope this overview of the current state of Mantra has piqued your interest for the future posts I have planned. The exact titles and number are subject to change, the topics to be discussed, however, are not:

  1. Low latency inter core/process communication; Seqlocks, Queues and SeqlockVectors
  2. in-situ telemetry and message tracking; Details on how every message is tracked and every part of Mantra is timed
  3. Market Data; L2Orderbooks, ingestion and storage of data streams for backtesting, the implementation of a MockExchange, and much more
  4. UI; A closer look at egui and how it can be used as a capable timeseries analysis tool

See you there!

Planned Future Work on Mantra

  • FIX connections
  • L3 data
  • Order queue position in the MockExchange
  • Improved parsing of market data messages and direct NIC access
  • More backtest performance metrics
  • More advanced market data based signal generation