The hard stuff

I am a Computational Condensed Matter physicist turned Quant Finance Trading Developer, pursuing an exciting career through the world of low latency and mathematical modeling of noisy market data.

During my successful stint in Academia, where I achieved a PhD and currently hold a Post-Doctoral position, I got more and more passionate about the software engineering side of things. This led me to jump head-first into the - at the time (2016) - relatively young Julia programming language. I absolutely love the balance it strikes between elegance and performance making the development of a bunch of open-source projects a real joy.

The final impetus for my shift towards the financial markets was an enlightening collaboration with flovtec, where I got the opportunity to develop a proof-of-concept market data ingestion engine in rust. I've always been a fan of exciting new technologies and had been wanting to learn it for a while, so it was a no-brainer: I could get a glimpse of real-life quant finance and learn rust.

This invaluable experience opened the doors to my next position as trading developer/market data specialist at Bitcoin Suisse, one of the leading crypto investment partners. There, I have been rebuilding the market data ingestion systems completely from-the-ground up, focusing on robustness and latency minimization. The languages of choice are, you guessed it, c++ and rust... Perfect. As a bonus, I also got a good baptism by fire on c# since it comprises most of the preexisting codebase.

In my off-time, I have kept developing my low-latency trading engine Mantra, and I keep one foot in Academia by publishing the odd paper on condensed matter physics.

The soft stuff

Sometimes, I have time left for hobbies which I thoroughly enjoy:

  • Skiing
  • Kite Surfing
  • Tennis
  • Mountain Biking
  • Gastronomical experiences
  • A calm stroll through nature